Wednesday 18 September 2013


In this era, there is the presumption that the fast developing world would affect Africa to be specific Ghana to a large extent; in that certain regulatory systems and policies would have seen a positive change in the right direction. Although the case may be true in some areas of our social, political and economic sectors, in others the reverse is true.
This article is to look at one critical area (the mentally disabled) which is being overlooked and has been shunned by the Metropolitan assembly, the Environmental Protection Agency and the government as a whole. 

Lunatics as some people would classify the mentally disabled have flooded some principal streets of Accra, the capital of Ghana which is supposed to be under the Millennium City Initiative declared by a Development economist, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs on 15th January 2010 at the launch of the millennium city project. 

In an articled published by GNA on 15th January 2010, it was stated that "The AMA in December, 2009 launched its vision on the theme: “A New Accra for a Better Ghana”.
"It is to make Accra a modern city with the provision of utilities daily, good environment and unlettered roads, effective drainage system, healthy private and public toilets, disciplined people, effective transportation, modern hospital to meet the challenges of the time and effective housing programme to meet the accommodation needs of the people."
As to whether this vision is being met four years after this declaration is another discussion for another time.

Some principal streets such as Kwame Nkrumah Circle, Ring Road West, Tema Station just to mention a few have never ceased to have lunatics using them as their homes. Some areas such as Nima, Maamobi, Sabon Zongo and others have been permanent homes for particular 'madmen'.
These insane persons roam these streets littering the entire place and some of them behave violently which pose threats to the safety of individuals who use these streets. There was a time I had to flee as a mentally-ill came rushing at me as if I had offended Him. I am sure there are others who have been injured due to such behaviours of some lunatics. Who is to blame for the dangers they cause? And Who is responsible to see that they get the necessary care and management without posing a danger to the society at large?

I chanced upon an amazing scene where a mentally-ill man was lying on the pavement just opposite the Osu Clottey Sub-Metro Council of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly. Does it mean that they have forgotten their vision or there are no resources to aid in having a good environment? I believe that is why Dr. Jeffrey Sach stated at the launch of the Millennium City project that Accra has great potentials but with enormous challenges.
A mentally-ill man lying directly opposite the Osu Clottey Sub Metro Council

Some of these challenges may be our negative psychological orientation and not being goal-driven. The case may be that  many measures might have been listed on paper on how to clear them off the streets but enforcing them is the problem.
The authorities must take a second look at how to meet their stated vision and implement them if the better Ghana agenda would be achieved.
I am sure some countries in Africa face the same challenge whiles others have gone a long way in solving this canker so it would be best to seek their expertise for the improvement of our dear nation Ghana.

On this note, individuals who throw the mentally ill into the streets must also refrain from this act and send them to the psychiatric hospitals. The challenge here again may be financial constraints on the part of relatives of these mentally disabled people therefore, there should be a government intervention to help curb it if not cure this menace.

A video of a mentally-ill roaming the street just opposite Busy Internet (Kwame KNrumah Circle)

Coming next: HOME STREET HOME !!


  1. What are your views about this menace? Lets make some suggestions to tte authorities concerned.

  2. Well done Gabby. A serious presentation and blog. Keep it up and update the blogs often. Can you share you blog on facebook etc for interested persons to be awareness of the problem on our streets.
