
 How citizen journalists using the social media have afftected the traditional media and how the latter have strategized to meet the current trend.

We seek to begin our discussion on the topic by first of all briefly talking about citizen journalism, social media and the traditional or old media. After, we would discuss how citizen journalists using the social media have impacted the traditional media production and some measures the media houses have taken to blend with or meet the current trends in mass media.
The advent of smart phones and tablets which allow individuals to post images, texts and videos to social media sites introduces a new paradigm shift where any ordinary person who uses even the most basic phone can be a reporter or journalist. In the sense that mostly when there is any occurrence, the individual is able to take coverage of whatever happens with his or her phone and can publish it onto any social media site without going through any process that the traditional media would normally require.
According to Kelly (2009) “Civic journalism, or ‘public journalism arose in the early 1990’s and was characterized by involving readers both in the news-making process and the use of news.
Also, citizen journalism is the democratization of the manufacture of news information by making the once dormant audience an integral part of the news making process.
It can be observed that citizen journalism allows for the participation of any ordinary person who may not have any training at all to participate in the production and dissemination of news content. This individual would select an occurrence of his choice and report it in his own preference and may share it to his network of friends on the social media. Another point to note is that initially the audience were classified as dormant because in the traditional media, they only had to receive what had been prepared for them so do not partake in the creation of news or give their comments especially for the print news.                                     “As daily Internet usage becomes increasingly ubiquitous, suddenly people have started going online, specifically to social media networks like Reddit or Facebook, to get their news and print media syndications have begun to die off as a result.” (Demers 2013)
The social media is now a platform which is more common to people and has afforded people the opportunity to share documents, images, videos and other relevant information. Some social media like Twitter limits users in the number of characters they can use per post but blog sites allow users to post as many words as possible.
Citizen journalism has spread widely in a short while and has become a great force the traditional media like television, radio and print have to deal with.

First of all, citizen journalists are almost always at the right place at the right time or at the wrong place at the right time so usually have enough insight about occurrences more than journalists who may get to a scene when everything has died off. Also, “Particularly in straitened times, journalists can’t be everywhere at once and often arrive after the news event has actually happened. In many cases, such as during the Arab Spring, journalists can be banned or censored by regimes and individuals that don’t want stories to be reported. So citizen journalists with camera phones can be our sole source of first hand information. Much of this then feeds into the traditional media, with TV news and national newspapers running stories based on reports filed by citizen journalists.” (Measures 2013)
Secondly, citizen journalism makes traditional media look more passive. Due to the interactive nature of the social media networks, members can create their own contents, send immediate feedback to available information and also give suggestions to posts. The social media which does not limit membership makes room for effective participation in whatever is being posted although there may be some regulations to abide by. On this note most people who used to rely on the traditional media for news now more often depend on the social media because they are not limited in their participation except for a few sites like twitter and so on. For example if a person wants to send his feedback to the print media, it may take a long time for it to get published and sometimes it is rejected but the social media where most citizen journalists are allows for instant reception of feedback.
Another effect is that the audiences of the radio, print and television media have reduced over the years after the advent of the social media and citizen journalism. The explanation of this point can be derived from the arguments above but also citizen journalists, because they are ubiquitous, get first hand news and readily and easily submit them social media sites before the traditional media journalists or trained journalists hear about them. Currently, some media houses depend on information produced by citizen journalists to make their news. It is also evident that sometimes citizen journalists create bigger news than the traditional media. A typical example is when John F. Kennedy an American president was assassinated, the first film was captured by Abraham Zapruder who was not a journalist. The social media has wider audience base which makes information posted onto it travel far. It has been proved that by 2007, Facebook had about 500 million active users.
Furthermore, citizen journalists’ ability to post information about several issues onto the social media platform allows members to have access to any type of information or programme that interests them at any time thereby making the traditional media seem obsolete. This is because programmes of the traditional media especially radio and television are broadcasted at specific times of the day and if the audience miss it, they miss it for good.

Therefore, in order for the traditional media to meet the current trends brought about by the social media and citizen journalists, it is currently evident that most media houses including the newspaper have subscribed to social media sites and post information on them so as to reach the world wide audience. Examples of such media houses are CitiFmPeace FmGraphic and so on. They have also created websites where they can be reached using the internet and certain programmes can be viewed online through these sites.
Again, for the traditional media to be more interactive and make audiences active participants in its processes, platforms have been made available for the audience to call in to programmes to share their views on issues. Sometimes, comments from social media sites are read to draw the audiences’ attention and make them aware of their participation.

In a nutshell, it can be observed from the discussion above that citizen journalism and the social media has brought with them so many opportunities which has affected the traditional media in various ways. Most importantly, the traditional media has now been made interactive and provision has also been made to ensure audience participation.

·      1.   Kelly, J. (2009) Red Kayaks and Hidden Gold: the Rise, Challenges and Value of Citizen Journalism. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, RISJ Challenges. University of Oxford –
· 2. How Social Media Is Supporting a Fundamental Shift in Journalism
·        3.  The Rise of Citizen Journalism –

      PRISCILLA T. OBODAI                                 
      RITA BONSU                                                 
      SYLVANNA YAYRA AYAOVI                        
        DORCAS ODURO     

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